VENUE: Oslo, Norway.
Date: 10th -12th April, 2024
To: SENATE SPEAKER , Cc. the Clerk
Theme: Life or Death Is a Political Decision
I attended the Eighth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI/ICPD) in Oslo, Norway as a member of the Eastern and Southern Africa Parliamentarians caucus on SRHR. The conference brought together approximately 300 parliamentarians, ministers, United Nations experts, civil society leaders and other stakeholders from across the globe.
This report is an overview of my participation in the conference.
Executive Summary
Amidst great progress among counties on the issue of sexual reproductive health and rights, the politicization of the issue threatens to pull back years of progress achieved from advancing and advocating for SRHR which include improved health outcomes on all levels and allowing people across the globe to live a life of dignity as they chart their respective destinies in life.
For progress to be achieved in SRHR, dedicated attention is required from key stakeholders that include policy makers and legislators who with political courage and strategic acumen can help tackle the retrogressive ideologies that threaten progress and ensure sustainable progress in ensuring fundamental rights for girls and women, influence funding and dedicate resources for SRHR and influence policies that promote accountability while keeping the electorates aware and well informed.
The International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (IPCI/ICPD) is the only setting specific crafted to generate global political consensus around SRHR among parliamentarians to then translate into tangible national outcomes in policy, funding, and accountability. The engagement of parliamentarians through IPCI/ICPD will be instrumental in pressing for the full realization of commitments made towards the ICPD Programme of Action and feeding into the global review of this agenda later that year.
The IPCI/ICPD series of conferences are designed to focus attention on creating an enabling policy environment and mobilizing adequate funding from both high income and low- and middleincome countries. Previous IPCI/ICPD conferences — Ottawa in 2002, Strasbourg in 2004, Bangkok in 2006, Addis Ababa in 2009, Istanbul in 2012, Stockholm in 2014 and Ottawa in 2018 — were great successes as parliamentarians and ministers from all regions of the world were able to meet and adopt strong Statements of Commitment on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.
This year’s conference, 2024 IPCI objectives were:
- Parliamentarians to take stock of key achievements from previous IPCI conference and also produce a forward looking, action oriented declaration and action plan that will form a consensus of the need to address sexual reproductive health and rights in line with the ICPD Programme of Action in the current political discourse.
- Provide parliamentarians with an opportunity to form a new compact to deliver the dream of a world free from preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning and zero gender based violence and other harmful practices.
- Promote dialogue among parliamentarians from all regions on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a view to achieving further commitment to collective action in the areas of resource mobilization and the creation of an enabling policy environment for sexual and reproductive health and rights.
I attended the opening ceremony and later joined in the Mini-study tours around Oslo focusing on SRHR, attended high level segment meetings, participated in thematic panel discussions, roundtable sessions and a discussion which led to the adoption of IPCI Statement of Commitment.
The following were arrived at from the conference:
- Development and adoption of a Statement of Commitment and Plan of Action that will spell out concrete actions to be taken by parliamentarians to further mobilize resources and create an enabling environment for the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and relevant SDGs.
- Building of a wider network of parliamentarians and identifying of champion parliamentarians in every participating country and region for achieving both the ICPD agenda and the SDGs.
- A bringing together of participants from myriad backgrounds and areas of expertise on the relationships between parliaments, health, and human rights, with a focus on SRHR and movement building.
Amidst wars, crises, disaster and present challenges the world continue to face, including climate change, women continue to be disproportionately affected. While we applaud the progress made especially in ensuring SRHR and fulfillment of international human rights obligations, we acknowledge that more needs to be done. There is need for creation of laws and policies for all for a resilient, equitable and sustainable future. As parliamentarians, we committed to not only accelerate joint action to secure adequate funding and financing of SRHR but also develop and promote laws and policies not only protect vulnerable groups in their diverse demographics but that ultimately recognize that life or death is a political decision.
Prepared by:
Hon. Catherine Muyeka Mumma